Mission Statement
Our mission is to completely serve and satisfy our customer's
We are committed to making a difference
continually getting better to keep us the best.

Copyright Yorkshire Mortar & Screed All rights reserved | Tel. 01977 621 926 - 07837877 126 | Email.craig@yorkshiremortar-screed.co.uk
Identification of Substance
Mortar & screed is a mixture of natural aggregates, cementitous material including cement and water together with admixtures and colourings, the resultant mixture is abrasive and alkaline
Hazards identification
(a)Wet mortar & screed
Contact with wet mortar & screed can cause;
1.Irritant contact dermatitis
2.Allergic contact dermatitis
3.Cement burn
(b) Mortar & Screed dust
Cutting and surface treatment of hardened concrete can create dust and flying fragments, the dust created could contain particles of a respirable size which may contain silica. When the dust contains silica, the risks are increased. Extended periods of exposure to hich concentrations of such dust can be hazardous to health
First Aid Measures
(a)Skin Contact
Immediately wash with copious amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Seek Medical Attention
(b)Eye Contact
Immediately irrigate with copious amounts of water. Seek Medical Attention
Remove from exposure to fresh air. Seek Medical Attention
Mortar & Screed Dust
Remove from Exposure to air
(b) Skin Contact
Wash with Water
(c)Eye Contact
Immediately irrigate with copious amounts of water Seek Medical Attention
Remove from exposure to air
Accidental Release Measures
(a)Personal Protection
Avoid skin and eye contact. Wear protective equipment as specified in Personal Protection.
(b)Environmental Measures
Prevent entry in to drains and water courses.
(c)Method of Cleaning
To avoid hardening, recover as quickly as possible in the wet or semi dry state .Water spray to avoid the creation of airborne dust. Avoid skin contact.
Handling & Storage
(a)Wet Mortar & Screed Dust
Avoid skin and eye contact.
(b)Mortar and Screed Dust
Cutting a surface treatment of hardened concrete should be worked to minimise the creation of airborne dust. Engineering control measures such as containment and local exhaust ventilation should be applied when airborne dust levels are approached.
Personal Protection
Wet Mortar & Screed
Personal Protection: Hand Protection: Impervious Gloves
Eye Protection: To HSE approved standard.
Skin Protection: Long sleeve clothing with full length trousers and impervious boots.
Physical and Chemical Properties
An odourless mixture of aggregate, cernentilious materials and water in a semi solid state pH 12.
Stability & Reactivity
Not Applicable.
Toxiological Information
Health Effects
(a)Wet Mortar & Screed Dust
Eyes: May cause irritation and in severe cases alkali burns.
Skin: Short term contact may cause alkali burns. Prolonged contact may cause both irritant and contact dermatitis.
(b)Mortar & Screed Dust
On Eyes: May cause transient irritation.
On Skin: Unlikely to cause harm on brief or occasional Contact.
By Inhalation: Inhalation of large quantities of respirable silica may lead to progressive lung damage. This may cause permanent disability and, in extreme cases, may be fatal.
By Ingestion: Unlikely to cause harm.
Chronic: Exposure to high levels of silica may cause progressive silicosis.
Others: None Known
Ecological Information
Environmental Assessment
When used and disposed of as intended, no adverse environmental effects are foreseen.
Disposal Consideration
Is not classified as hazardous for disposal purposes. Subject to local authority disposal requirements.
Transport Information
Classification for conveyance not required
Other Information
The data and advice given above apply when the substance is used as intended. Use of the substance for other application may give rise to risk not mentioned.
The information contained within the safety data sheet does not constitute the users own assessment of risk as required by other health and safety legislation.